Sunday 2 May 2010

The Dawning of Something Special?

Why hello there.

Somehow, you've managed to find this piece of text in the large undergrowth of the web. You've seeded through all the horrific porn, got past the viral clips of babies laughing and dogs humping tractor tyres, and managed to tear yourself away from social-networking. Well done you. Have a biscuit for your troubles - on me.

And here we are. You, reading this text that I may have written months, years... hell, even aeons ago? But right now, I am here in my present, writing down these little words on a laptop in my bedroom in merry ol' England, United Kingdom, Europe, Earth. What's the future like? Have the ants taken over? I always knew the ants would take over. Bastard ants!

I don't claim to be anything special. Far from it... I am as average as they come. Just a normal, slightly over-weight, 19 year old man (am I a man yet? I don't feel like one. Let's stick with boy) struggling to make sense of this business we call life. At the moment I am jobless, still living with my family and with my life seemingly heading in no direction whatsoever. The pause button has been pressed down firmly for me in the past year, with those immediately surrounding me on play, or even fast-forward. I'm not complaining (yes I am... trust me, I'm complaining) as I'm fairly happy with the state of affairs, but I'm massively bored now. Incredibly bored. And I need a new direction.

So, this "blog" will just be ramblings from my day-to-day life along the new path that I hope to take. I don't intend to offer you anything particularly thought provoking, humorous or even interesting (I can hear most of you clicking the "back" button and heading back towards Facebook to check if you've had any status updates now - you traitors). Nope, all I can present here are my diary entries, thoughts and general feelings on ... stuff.

Or maybe I won't. I'm not very good at sticking to things, and this may be another hopeless attempt at something to occupy myself for a short while. I guess only time will tell. And if you're reading this in the far future then possibly I've already reached that new direction and you can track my progress from the other blogs I will have made. Or maybe I haven't done anything at all, and I'm still in the exact same position, sitting in this chair and shaking my head at people who join ridiculous groups on Facebook ("Hi, I'm a boy and I'll tear your heart out because it's the stereotypical image depressed teenage girls have").

Either way, congratulations on getting this far. Reward yourself with another biscuit. Go on! You deserve it for soldiering on with this block o' text.

I hope I'll be back soon to tell you more about what's happening. Now I'm off to check my Facebook status updates! Exciting stuff!

Yours faithfully,

The Robin.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your post! It made my day a little less boring, which is really why we're all on the Internet, isn't it? Good luck to you. I hope you keep writing this blog, but if you don't, I hope your reasons for not sticking with it have to do with adventure, intrigue, and romance away from the computer. Bastard ants, indeed.
