Tuesday 4 May 2010

First steps...

Well faithful blog reader, today has been a momentous one in making the first step to getting the little ol' life on some form of track. Some might think it as nothing... but to me it was a task that I had to deliberate for a long while before getting my shoes on and taking the leap.

Yes, today was the day I stepped into my local barbers and had my hair cut.

"Wow" you might sarcastically say. But trust me, this is a huge and painful task for me. As I have (or rather had) luscious locks of curly haired greatness. I'd had it for a long long long time; it firmly securing me an identity during the school years as "Wog head" or "Amazing haired guy" (depending on whether the person calling me the name was wearing a track-suit or not). I cut it in June last year, drastically short and wasn't happy with the results - it just wasn't me. So I grew it again and swore I'd never chop off the 'fro again... Until today of course.

So now I appear to be rocking a slightly smaller, and tighter curled perm rather than the long strands of frizziness that I had earlier this morning. And I am hoping for two things from the radical change in hairstyle. 1) That I shall be taken more seriously as a possible job candidate (if anything makes itself available). And B) That I can mingle in society without standing out like a sore-thumb. I'd hate to think of myself as a sheep, but in today's word it makes more sense to play safe and avoid the angry eyes of chavs (who seem to get very annoyed by long hair for some reason). It's easier that way... Plus, I didn't look good with all the hair along with the extra weight I'm currently carrying. I was a horrific stereotype of a geek. Cutting it was a good move.

Let's hope that I can use my new, smarter and more professional haircut to secure me a position that will give me some form of income. At the very least it will stop me from getting beat up in the dole-queue if I decide to sign onto benefits (I hope it doesn't come to that). But for now, I suppose the next step is to get some exercise into my daily routine...

I'll keep you updated oh anonymous and faceless reader.

The Robin

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